




GDP per capital



  • Green


General adoption

While noting that a draft proposal for the Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets is currently being processed at the level of the EU legislature, the Danish legislature has not announced or proposed any specific changes to the legal framework to regulate virtual currencies. Statistically speaking, Cryptocurrency is not very common in Denmark as a recent research shows that only 4% replied that they had an experience with it. The adaptation is not very high on the matter.

Government View

In Denmark, parties in cryptocurrency transactions must resolve whether their asset is classified as a form of payment (currency), a capital asset (investment), or a financial service to determine whether the transaction is subject to the regulation of Danish authorities.

Blockchain Projects

Taxes and Regulation

Income realized on a disposal of assets is generally not subject to tax unless deemed income from speculation or from active trade with the assets. Technically, the individual intent is decisive for whether a transaction may be deemed speculation. The assessment of speculation regarding virtual currencies is the same as for other assets. An individual realizing gains on virtual currencies must accordingly include the gains as personal income being subject to tax at a marginal rate of approximately 52 per cent tops. Conversely, losses incurred may be deducted. The tax value of a loss will, however, be significantly lower (approximately 26 per cent) than the marginal tax rate applied to a gain. Losses resulting from cryptocurrency transactions are taxed differently depending on the circumstances. Cryptocurrencies have fewer tax benefits than other payment forms in Denmark. Laws apply to ICOs depending on their characteristics. In Denmark, cryptocurrencies are subject to income tax. Any gains or losses on cryptocurrencies must be reported. Any income sources such as airdrops, and mining are also subject to income tax. After accounting for your tax-free amount and labor market contributions you’ll have to pay a bottom-bracket tax of %12.10 and municipal tax of ~25%. For income over DKK 552,500, you pay an additional 15% tax.

Trading Methods


You may cash out cryptocurrency using the trading methods mentioned above while receiving mostly by Credit cards, Bank Transfer (SEPA), PayPal and some other options.


Selling cryptocurrency will always require you to declare your profits and losses. Once again, it’s important to calculate the selling price in local currency at the time of sale. When selling crypto you can subtract the trading fee from the sale price. There are several important dates regarding to taxes in Denmark; Mid-March 2022 – Starting in mid-march you can access and update your tax information via E-tax. 1 May 2022 – The deadline for updating and submitting your tax return if you are subject to full or limited tax liability. 1 July 2022 – The deadline for updating and submitting your tax return for any Non-danish income. Failure to adhere to the deadline can result in a daily fine of DKK 200. November 2022 – You will receive a preliminary income assessment for the following year which will become available via E-tax. The tax year runs from the 1st of January to the 31st of December

Last Updated

Monday, 31 October, 2022

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